Click to select a category and review frequently asked questions:
city ordinances
How do I find out about new ordinances?
New ordinances are posted on the City Hall office window for 10 days prior to going into effect. They may also be posted to this page in the "News" section or to City social media accounts.
What about existing ordinances?
They may be accessed and read anytime inside City Hall during regular business hours. Ordinances are also posted on our website's "Ordinances" page.
New ordinances are posted on the City Hall office window for 10 days prior to going into effect. They may also be posted to this page in the "News" section or to City social media accounts.
What about existing ordinances?
They may be accessed and read anytime inside City Hall during regular business hours. Ordinances are also posted on our website's "Ordinances" page.
residential Waste and recycle services
How do I get a trash can and/or recycle bin?
You can call City Hall for a recycle bin, but trash cans must be attained by calling GFL at 309-274-4589 (extra charges may apply). You can learn more about waste and recycle handling in Bushnell on this website under "For Residents," at "Waste & Recycling."
Does the City of Bushnell provide any cleanup services after storm damage?
After a storm, the City crews will pick up tree branches if they are brought to the curb. Our crews do not enter residents' yards to pick up limbs and branches.
Can I safely dispose of electronics or paint in town?
Yes, electronics and paint may be brought to our collection location behind the Bushnell Police Department for safe disposal. Prior to dropping off your items, you must sign in at City Hall, or call to register your drop off.
Can I dispose of yard waste?
Yes, there is a City Yard Waste site located on Township Road 69 just east of the cemetery. Learn more about hours and restrictions at the "Waste and Recycling" page.
You can call City Hall for a recycle bin, but trash cans must be attained by calling GFL at 309-274-4589 (extra charges may apply). You can learn more about waste and recycle handling in Bushnell on this website under "For Residents," at "Waste & Recycling."
Does the City of Bushnell provide any cleanup services after storm damage?
After a storm, the City crews will pick up tree branches if they are brought to the curb. Our crews do not enter residents' yards to pick up limbs and branches.
Can I safely dispose of electronics or paint in town?
Yes, electronics and paint may be brought to our collection location behind the Bushnell Police Department for safe disposal. Prior to dropping off your items, you must sign in at City Hall, or call to register your drop off.
Can I dispose of yard waste?
Yes, there is a City Yard Waste site located on Township Road 69 just east of the cemetery. Learn more about hours and restrictions at the "Waste and Recycling" page.
Building & Zoning
Do I need a permit to erect a fence on my property?
Yes, forms are available for pickup at City Hall.
Can I keep chickens within City limits?
No, residents are not permitted to keep chickens in city limits unless they are at least 100 feet away from any neighboring property.
Yes, forms are available for pickup at City Hall.
Can I keep chickens within City limits?
No, residents are not permitted to keep chickens in city limits unless they are at least 100 feet away from any neighboring property.
parks and recreation
Where can I find pricing for rentals at the Bushnell Recreation Center?
Pricing for all rentals and memberships may be found here on this site, under "Living in Bushnell."
How do I rent a shelter house at the park?
The Bushnell Park District handles shelter house rentals at our VFW park, and they are a separate entity than the City. Their contact information may be found on our Living in Bushnell page.
Pricing for all rentals and memberships may be found here on this site, under "Living in Bushnell."
How do I rent a shelter house at the park?
The Bushnell Park District handles shelter house rentals at our VFW park, and they are a separate entity than the City. Their contact information may be found on our Living in Bushnell page.
Streets & Safety
Can I ride my golf cart legally on City streets?
Yes, but you must first apply and be approved. Come to City Hall to fill out an application. You will receive an inspection sheet that must be brought to the Police Department to have them complete as they inspect the vehicle. The annual cost is $25.00.
There are also ordinances pertaining to motorized bikes and scooters; see Ordinances for more information.
How do I reach the dog catcher?
The Animal Control representative's number is 309-313-3342.
How does the City of Bushnell snow removal work?
When at least 3 inches of snow has fallen, City crews dispatch to begin clearing roads.
Some things to consider:
Yes, but you must first apply and be approved. Come to City Hall to fill out an application. You will receive an inspection sheet that must be brought to the Police Department to have them complete as they inspect the vehicle. The annual cost is $25.00.
There are also ordinances pertaining to motorized bikes and scooters; see Ordinances for more information.
How do I reach the dog catcher?
The Animal Control representative's number is 309-313-3342.
How does the City of Bushnell snow removal work?
When at least 3 inches of snow has fallen, City crews dispatch to begin clearing roads.
Some things to consider:
- Crews clear main roads, not including alleyways. Allies are narrow and dangerous to drive plows through, especially in hazardous conditions.
- Crews do not clear individual driveway approaches. Depending upon accumulation of snowfall, residents should be prepared to clear their own sidewalks and approaches.
- When clearing your private drives and sidewalks, deposit excess snow on your own property; not on shared roadways or others' property.
- Ordinance on street parking when snow removal efforts are underway states the following:
- Parking on snow Emergency Routes (both East & West Main streets, Hail & Hurst, Cole or Route 41 & 9) will make it necessary that motor vehicle traffic be expedited and that parking on city street be prohibited or restricted for all snow plowing and other purposes.
- Parking on secondary streets may occur on the uneven-street-numbers side of the street on days with names that have the letter “U” in their spelling, i.e., Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. (UN-even numbers = days with U)
Vehicles may be parked on the even-street-numbers side of the street on day with names that do not have the letter ”u” in their spellings, i.e., Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
The City does not plow alleyways as a part of its usual snow removal protocol. - Snow removal performed by residences or hired snow removal companies must displace a residence's snow to another portion of the resident's own property. No snow may be deposited on the street or sidewalks.
- Parking on snow Emergency Routes (both East & West Main streets, Hail & Hurst, Cole or Route 41 & 9) will make it necessary that motor vehicle traffic be expedited and that parking on city street be prohibited or restricted for all snow plowing and other purposes.
Annual events
Does Bushnell hold any annual events?
- May Play Days (a Bushnell Chamber event) is held on the weekend before Mother's Day.
- Fourth of July fireworks sponsored by the City of Bushnell are usually scheduled on July 3rd (if budgeted for).
- The Fall Town & Country Festival begins annually on the 4th Thursday in August.
- The Holiday Lights Parade is typically held the second Saturday following Thanksgiving.