As we work to make improvements for members at the Recreation Center, the City of Bushnell kindly asks patrons to turn off gymnasium lights upon exiting.
Thank you for helping cut costs and prolong the life of the lighting in that space. During severe weather, the storm sirens in McDonough County are activated by the 911 call center in Macomb. When a warning from the National Weather Service includes a specific community in the county, the dispatcher activates the sirens for that town. Bushnell ESDA was in contact with the Director of McDonough County 911 shortly after the storm on June 29th, to question why the sirens were not activated in Bushnell and Prairie City, as we were included in the warning area. The director has assured me they are investigating the incident. Further, we have a tech coming to work on the malfunctioning siren at the Recreation Center that activated during the night of July 5th. The remaining 3 sirens in Bushnell and the siren in Prairie City have been tested and are working as they should.
At the City of Bushnell’s June 5, 2023, Council meeting, council members unanimously approved a proposed plan to begin construction to support the Reid Brewer Memorial Splash Park in conjunction with Team Reid Charities. The Splash Park is to be located adjacent to the Veterans Memorial Park and Bushnell Swimming Pool in Bushnell, Illinois. The long-awaited memorial splash park requires infrastructure work for water sourcing that will be completed by the City of Bushnell and Team Reid Charities NFP together. Construction of the splash park itself will follow, by Team Reid Charities NFP. Team Reid Charities co-chairs, and parents of Reid Brewer, Jim, and Katie Brewer said, “We are proud to be able to bring the Reid Brewer Memorial Splash Park to our wonderful community. Reid's undeniable compassion and love for others will live on through the children as they splash and play. He will be splashing right along with them.” The City of Bushnell is making security improvements at the Rec Center! Read below to find out what impacts you: Attention current members under the age of 18Due to increased safety and security measures, the minimum age requirement for holding a Rec Center Membership is increasing to 18 years of age, effective Monday, March 6, 2023. The City of Bushnell understands that under previous policy, individuals as young as age 15 have been permitted to hold memberships. We sincerely apologize for any inconveniences this causes, but are moving forward with this new policy as a part of our commitment to members' safety. If this new minimum age requirement impacts you, please visit City Hall to receive a prorated refund of any remaining membership fees that were pre-paid on your account. Click here to view updated membership guidelines in fullSee this year's recycle collection schedule below; scroll down to download/print at home. Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. ![]() As of today, our new website is live and in service for the residents of Bushnell! Thank you for your patience as we continue to refine and update this to best meet your needs. Questions and feedback may be sent to Lisa Webb at [email protected]. And don't forget to sign up for our free email newsletters! The VFW Post 1422 Auxiliary is decorating a Christmas Tree this year in honor of our veterans. You can sponsor a veteran by purchasing an ornament; red and blue ornaments will feature the veteran's name and branch of service. Honor a veteran near or far, who is with us today, or living in our hearts.
To sponsor:
** The Auxillary is in search of military boots to borrow and display around the bottom of our tree. If you have a pair that you would let us borrow, please reach out using the contact information listed above. Given the recent interest in how the railroad affects navigability through our town, our Council connected with BNSF and explained the situation. BNSF has said that they are committed to solving the issue of prolonged blockages and provided a solution for us.
If you notice a prolonged blockage (a stopped train blocking multiple crossings through town simultaneously), please contact City Hall or your Ward's alderperson(s) and they can report it directly to BNSF. Please note that it is still important to consider the points discussed in our earlier messaging about this matter. |